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Initial Configuration without a DHCP Server

SR and SC Series NTP Servers Help and Support: Initial Configuration without a DHCP Server
Models that this article applies to:

SR Series: SR7110, SR9210, SR9750, SR9850, SR9860D
SC Series: SC7105, SC9205, SC9705


How to initially configure the SR and SC series NTP servers when no DHCP server is present on the network.


By default, the SR and SC series NTP servers are supplied configured as DHCP clients. If a DHCP server is present on the network they will automatically obtain network settings from the DHCP server. The IP address that the DHCP server provides can then be used in a browser on a PC on the same network to configure the device.

However, occasionally, a DHCP server may not be available on the network that the NTP server is to be installed on. In which case the device can either be temporarily installed and configured on an alternative network with a DHCP server or configured using its console port.

The SR and SC series devices are not provided with a default static IP address in case the default IP address happens to clash with the address of other equipment on your network and causes serious data loss.

Use the supplied console serial cable to connect to the time server via a PC RS232 serial port. Use a dumb terminal emulator, such as ‘Hyper-Terminal’ to communicate to the device using the following settings: 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.

Login to the device using username ‘admin’, password ‘admin’.

From the command prompt, enter:

‘> console’

A menu is then displayed which allows simple configuration of the device. Select option ‘[1] Network’ followed by option ‘[1] Edit Parameters’. The required network parameters can now be entered. Once the unit has an IP address, other options can then be configured using a web-browser on a PC on the network.

TimeTools recommend that all SR and SC series NTP servers are provided with a static IP address.